841-841a Fulham Road, SW6 5HQ

Teeth Whitening

How white would you like your teeth?

Tried and tested over the years our team offer two home treatment options to get you the most naturally vibrant smile possible.

1. Premium package: £499 – Our bespoke ‘Boutique whitening’.

2. Luxury package: £699 – Our favourite ‘Enlighten teeth whitening’.

Hear what our lovely patients say about their cosmetic treatment with our award winning team.


If your eyes are the window to your soul, your smile is definitely the door to your success. A brighter, whiter smile, can make you look and feel healthier, younger and more confident. Teeth naturally discolour with age and day to day habits, such as drinking tea, coffee, red wine and smoking.

With our Enlighten and Boutique professional home whitening systems we achieve a beautiful result with ease. We believe these products to be the most safe and effective tried and tested method.

With so many different whitening products on the market, it’s easy to get confused. So here are the facts you need to know before you commit.

Is teeth whitening safe

Is teeth whitening safe?

Yes. Clinical studies have shown that whitening your teeth with carbamide or hydrogen peroxide under the supervision of a dental professional is safe for teeth and gums.

What are the side effects?

The most common side effect is tooth and gum sensitivity. We will ensure we give you the right concentration of whitening formula. Our at-home whitening products have been carefully selected to minimize tooth sensitivity.

What’s the difference between over the counter whitening solutions and our whitening treatments?

Over-the-counter whitening products are not customized to your needs, are ineffective and do not last – clinical studies have proved this. With our professional whitening systems, the whitening process is tailored to your needs by your dentist, with custom-fitted trays for at-home treatments.

How long will my whitening results last?

Whitening treatments help to reduce existing stains, but through consumption of coffee, soft drinks or just through natural aging, your teeth may eventually become discolored again. Maintenance whitening can help combat recurring discolouration.

What causes teeth to discolour?

There are many causes to tooth discoloration. Some of the most common include the consumption highly colored foods and drinks (berries, coffee, tea, red wine). Some medications, aging, smoking and trauma can also cause teeth discoloration.

How long does it take?

Your teeth will be visibly whiter within a few days – it’s that easy.

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